2. The Beginning of New Adventure
3. The Servants of Chaos
4. Hyperion
5. Knights of War
6. Assassin in the Dark Night
7. Kaleidoscope
8. The Truth of this World
9. Flames of Reminiscence
10. The Night of Prayer
11. Prepared to Part Ways
12. The Crazed King
13. Kingdom of Camelot
14. The Nightmare Anew
15. Interludeeparture
16. What the Hell!
17. Wild Children
18. After the Brawl
19. Unable to be Said
20. The Demon Realm
21. Secret Manoeuvres
22. The Gloom
23. The Mission Begins
24. The Battle Trigger
25. City of Battle
26. Albion
27. Duelist
28. The Boy of Destiny
29. Wavering Hearts
30. Calamity Behemoth
31. Life Spirits
32. The Night of Prayer (Pf)
33. Flames of Reminiscence (Pf)
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